
01. Grbavica is a word which foreigners will probably break their tongues on. What is Grbavica ?
02. What is the origin of the story?

03. You directed the film and wrote the screenplay... What was important to you in developing the characters?
04. To the international audience, Mirjana Karanovic is probably best known for her roles in films directed by Emir Kusturica.
But maybe for a long time she did not have a role that would give her the opportunity to express her full acting ability and her personal charisma.

05. To all actors, even those with “most secondary” roles, you gave the opportunity to make their little life-works.
06. What is it like working with children on a shoot?
07. Is it true that Luna broke her leg during shooting? hat?
08. Music and songs play very important roles in your film. A couple of different songs appear in very significant moments in the film:
the film starts with an Ilahija, and ends with a hit from the 70īs. In between, there are levels of turbo folk hits....

09. Although the story about Esma and Sara is essentially sad, it is also very optimistic.
Is it possible there is a hidden possibility for forgiveness toward Sara's father?

10. What are the conditions in BiH for filmmaking?

When the war started, I was happy because my maths test was cancelled. What interested me most, as a teenager, was sex, or it was more talking about sex, dreaming about sex as the highest realisation of love. But in 1992 everything changed and I realised that I was living in a war, in which sex was used as part of a war strategy to humiliate women and thereby cause the destruction of an ethnic group! 20.000 women were systematically raped in Bosnia during the war.

I lived 100 metres from the front line and was most afraid of this kind of fight. Since then, rape and its consequences have become an obsession for me: I read and followed everything that was related to this topic. I still didn´t know why I did this, or what I wanted to do with this.

When I gave birth to my child, that was a fruit of love, motherhood – which triggered a whole set of emotions in me – this shocked me completely. I asked myself, what emotional significance does this have for a woman that has a child who was conceived in hate. That was the moment I knew what I wanted from Grbavica and I wrote it - between breast feeds.